Furious Gladiator Bundle
Available Now! (Armor effects activate when entering a combat stance and mount effect activates with its unique flourish.)
Dashing Rogue Bundle
Available Now!
(Droid effect changes when entering a combat stance. The droid is tied to the chest piece and an alternative version without the droid is included. Armor Set and Blaster Pistol can be bought separately.)
Festival Dress Armor Set
Available Now!
Furious Gladiator’s Weapons
Available Now!
Gambler’s Luck, Pure Sabacc, and Idiot’s Array Weapons
Available Now!
Valiant Defender’s Lightsaber and Dualsaber
Available Now!
Model Class Starships Bundle
Available Now!
(These Starships function as Mini-pets that follow the Player around.)
Advanced Viridian Color Crystals
Available Now!
(As shown on Arn's Unshielded Lightsaber, Twisted Fang Lightsaber, and Defiant Vented Lightsaber.)
Onderon, Mek-Sha, and Dxun Life Day Snowglobe Decorations
Available Now!
Alderaan Noble’s Decoration Bundle
Available Now!
Cartel Market Newest Additions: Available Now!
Get your hands on some Cartel Coins and check out new items live in the Cartel Market this week!