

Game Update 7.5 “Desperate Defiance” is now live!

Players can now enjoy all the new content in Game Update 7.5!

Desperate Defiance Story

7.5 brings the next chapter of the story, “Desperate Defiance.” Padawan Sa’har Kateen asks for help in a risky mission to retrieve Darth Nul’s holocron, turning on Heta Kol, her brother Ri’kan, and the Hidden Chain. Visit the new Minboosa District on Hutta and meet new allies including Adi Vonapa and Rakit, leaders of the worker rebellion.

Hutta Modernization

Coming back to Hutta means showing something familiar but also new. The team has been hard at work modernizing many parts of Hutta that not only appear in the Minboosa District, but in the original areas of Hutta as well.

Basilisk Prototype Venture

A new Venture system is debuting with Game Update 7.5. Players who have fully completed Lane Vizla’s story missions will be introduced to B3-S1, the Basilisk Prototype! Players must work with Lane to help restore the prototype to full functionality. Discover how B3-S1 can join your crew as a companion here.

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival

A new event has been added to SWTOR’s seasonal calendar! The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival begins with the launch of Game Update 7.5 and will run for 28 days! Players can enjoy a galactic egg hunt, pie baking, dancing, and more! Read here for more details.

PvP Season 6 “Great Pirate Hunt”

The start of PvP Seasons will now be tied to game updates! The new PvP goes live alongside Game Update 7.5 and will run for 16 weeks (up from 12 weeks). Read here for more details.

The Acolyte™ inspired items available in the Cartel Market

Players will notice a new Inspire By tab has been added to the Cartel Market window. Under this tab, players will find the Dark Harbinger Armor set and Serpent’s Tongue Vibroblade inspired by The Acolyte™. Additionally, a Wookiee Jedi inspired by hairstyle and beard customization can be found as part of the Appearance Options: Loyal Adherent Hairstyles Bundle.

The full list of patch notes can be found here.